PKCS#11 SDK (Custom Solution)

Biometrika PKCS#11 solution consists of the combination of the Fx3000 scanner and a Smart Card. This combination acts as a single biometric enabled cryptographic token: a token that can be activated by fingerprint recognition. PKCS#11 library enables full application interoperability with minimum development efforts and enables the use of both traditional and biometric cryptographic tokens. Biometrics represent a natural solution for all applications where strong authentication is required. While Match On Card technology is still not reliable enough (there are no independent tests about the reliability of those systems), Match on Board technology, such the one of Fx3000, enables high reliability and security of biometric information. Obviously, PKCS#11 is strongly dependent on the type of Smart Card used; therefore PKCS#11 has to be considered as a custom solution that must be adapted to a specific Smart Card technology

Easy to use
No passwords to remember
Enables the management of different
passwords for different applications
No critical data stored on the PC
Application Interoperability
Minimum development effort thanks
to the standard interface
Enables the use of both traditional
and biometric cryptographic tokens
Interface and Development
Standard Programming interface for
the maximum application interoperability
Supports all main programming languages
Operating Systems: Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista

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